.Insignificant Twitterings.


dA gallery here. Here's hoping that this one.. becomes more than just a carbon copy of it, y'know? Maybe posting WIPs and stuff. Aaah, that would be lovely... *dreams*

Anyway, there are a few more incomplete sections, it's a work in progress...

Order within sections: left to right, up to down, newest to oldest ^^ Click any image for a bigger version.

FYI: the watermark "JojoJubble.Deviantart.com" and/or the occasional chinese signature on some of the pictures are both me! No theft here [not that anyone'd steal my crap lol], except for the occasional abuse of famous characters for the sake of fandom.

.Personal Faves.

.Fashion and Dress Design.



With the exception of the pink bear, this section features only my ends of the collab, and not the finished pictures. Links to come soon - although with the pink+blue figures, the other end was never finished.

.Gifts For Others.

.Competition Entries.

.Requests & Art Trades.


'Ichigo' was a chibi comic series I was trying to start. Nowadays the "Ichigo" title is just a title I put on any comics or 'cute' images I draw.


Aka random sketches and drawings all compiled together. Sometimes there are themes, others not.

.Sketches & WIPS.

Basically, anything done in pencil will be here. The oldest stuff is in here as well.
Also includes some character sheets and the crappy original designs for the Ichigo chibi...


Testing, testing, 123.