.Insignificant Twitterings.


...to my little area of the Internet.
No, not really, it belongs to Weebly, but let's not delve into silly little details like that, shall we?

This site is, and always will be under construction.
I hope you enjoy it, though. It's nice that you're even reading this.

There's a blog [the Twitterings], a gallery [the Doodlings] and a little shop that's still being sorted out. There used to be a forum, but it'd probably be a better idea to wait a bit and get a little more traffic before launching something kinda big like that, you know?

Now, if only you could bung shoutboxes in here..

Oh, well. In the meantime, there be games if ye scroll down thine computer screen.

Thanks for visiting, and have a nice day~

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